Pneumatic ICU Ventilator
State-of-the-art ICU ventilator VK300, designed to enhance patient care through better vision and performance. This innovative device offers more value and possibilities, ensuring that healthcare professionals have easy access to airway management. Equipped with practical clinical tools and an intuitive interface, it facilitates easy management to escort every life with the utmost precision and reliability. Experience the future of respiratory support with our advanced ventilator, where quality meets compassion.
  • Better vision, Better Performance
    . 15.6" touch screen with knob for easy operation

    . The big font view and simultaneous display 

      make it easy to observe

    . Intuitive user interface ensuring efficient use

    . Ergonomic designed trolley compatible with air 

      compressor and humidifier

  • More Value, More Possibility

    . Suitable for adult, paediatrics and toddles
    . 12+ ventilation modes

    . Practical Clinical Tools: Dynamic Lung, SBT, 

      Lung Recruitment and P-V Tools

  • Comprehensive Managment

    . Nebulization and Suction Maneuver for easy 

      airway clearance

    . CPR guidness ensure rescue efficiency
    . Variety of compensation and alarm escort life

  • Respiratory ward
  • ICU